【5.0】对于奥特曼的这部人物、故事线错综复杂的作品,我们当然可以用极其模糊的、保险的话语来解释它,亦即是一部包罗美国社会万象的伟大群戏电影。但倘若再具体些,私以为《纳什维尔》讲的或许是美国社会在“美国梦”刺激下的自由意志迷失:当我们以为明星歌手被枪杀会改变什么的时候,惊慌失措的人们很快恢复常态,一切朝着理应的方向前进,意外从未真正发生。就像那位被临时推上台的女歌手最后从容唱着的:You may say that I ain't free, but it don't worry me。
Paul Bowles // Because we don't know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well, yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number, really….And yet it all seems limitless.// 坂本龙一配乐theme 哀而不伤,印象深刻